HSE Fishers Girls Lacrosse Board Meeting
August 2, 2018
7:30pm – SPORTS Conference Room
I. Attendance –
a. Heather Johnson – present
b. Rachel Askins – present on phone
c. Brad Thomson - present
d. Jennifer McGuire – present
e. Brad Nawa – not present
f. Tammy Follis – not present
g. Patrycja Thomas - present
h. Marsha Lee - present
i. Lora Lyons – not present
j. Tim Burkholder – not present
k. Scott from Sports – present
l. Andrea Bordenkecher – not present
II. Review/approval of last meeting’s minutes – sent out on August 2 and will be approved next meeting
III. Welcome New Board Members!
a. Brad Thomson
b. Marsha Lee
IV. Budget Update
i. Brad and I will be meeting with Angela from Sports after school starts
ii. Expenses – printing of postcards and flyers - $80
1. Try It Day – flyer passed to board members and reviewed
2. Co-Ed beginner lacrosse – flyer passed to board members and reviewed
iii. Insurance for Try it Day and ½ league – Approximately $400
1. For beginner lacrosse can user a day camp insurance as long as we have 6 sessions or less; will split with boys. Fee is $400.
2. Try It day – sign in for attendance
3. For the beginner league – will need to keep track of attendance for insurance purposes
V. Try It Day
a. Partnering with Boys Lax
b. Date set for 8/26 – Brooks School Park Reserved
i. To Do:
1. Obtain insurance policy for day (Heather)
2. Secure extra equipment (contact IYLA - Heather)
a. Last year, ran out of equipment
b. IYLA has sticks to loan
c. St. Simon can loan us extra goggles
d. Will also check in with high school players to see if they have old equipment
e. See if Brad Nawa can contact Play It Again to borrow goggles again like last year
3. Will split the field so boys and girls are separated
4. Registration Tents
a. Only adults at registration tent
b. Have two registration tables staffed – need 4 volunteers
c. Have an “equipment” tent too where girls can pick up equipment
5. Raffle shirts from tournament and will also offer for sale
6. Sending Sign up Genius out for HS (both HS and Fishers) players & Coaches to sign up (Heather) for both Try It Day and Beginner League.
7. Sign up genius for tents, tables, and staffing the registration tables
8. Promotion –
a. Social Media images – please share and promote on your pages
b. Has been sent out to all the Fishers news media outlets via SPORTS
c. Boys lax making yard signs – put up week before event
i. Will say Sunday 2 – 4
ii. Heather will put up signs for Try It Day tomorrow and put up on Saturday
d. Emailing out to neighboring leagues – Noblesville and St. Simon (#growthesport)
e. Putting it on Community Bulletin board that should be attached to all school newsletters
f. Any other ideas?
i. Could see if Holy Spirit would put it in their bulletin - Patrycja
9. Email coaches (Heather) to see if they can help with the stations
10. How do we want the format to be? Stations or everyone do same activity, or combo of both?
11. Needs – will send out a sign up genius
a. 2 Tents
b. 2 tables
c. Call Play It Again - borrow goggles again – Brad Nawa
d. Work Reg Tables
e. Purchase popsicles and bottled water, Bring in cooler – 40 girls participating last year and about 30 high school helpers; will need approximately 100 bottles of water and 200 popsicles
f. Organize stations, be lead “coach” for the day
g. Purchase and fill water balloons; do close to the time
h. Order mouth guards (need youth and adult size) and bring – Rachel ordered from Amazon
VI. Ice Cream Socials
a. SPORTS will have tables staffed at 10 of the ice cream socials – we are providing flyers and postcards promoting Try it Day and 1/2nd grade league
VII. 1st / 2nd grade League (u8)
a. Sunday Nights - 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7 with rain date of 10/21 (made allowances for Labor Day and Fall Break), 5:30-6:30 at Holland Park
i. On field three which is soccer field near playground and there is green space nearby if extra space is needed
b. $50 fee, Sports is charging us a reduced fee of $10 per player to cover insurance
c. Would be primarily stick skills – hopefully led by youth coaches and helped by HS players…US Lacrosse has either a curriculum or lessons on App or that came with soft sticks
d. Registration is now open
e. Lora Lyons has offered to head it up and Tim Shefferly from boys LAX is helping too
f. Promotion – see #5 above under Try it Day
VIII. Needs for upcoming year
a. Volunteer Chair – Andrea?
b. Social Media chair – Jennifer McGuire with Brad Thomson as back up; website, twitter, new facebook page for girls lacrosse
c. Facilities chair – attend facilities meetings – will meet quarterly or every few months
d. Fields/equipment chair – keep track of when fields need painting and maintenance
i. Soccer is going to let us borrow their field painting robot
e. Clean out storage at Cyntheanne
IX. Sports Update
a. Cyntheanne banners – allowed to put up banners during the season so could put up banners with the boys and rugby during the season; can also sell ads appropriate for a city park
i. One banner for pole and one pole per field – total of 5
ii. Will look at what cost of banner is
b. Hamilton County Sports Authority is going to determine the value sponsorship opportunities at parks including Cyntheanne
c. Tim asked if it was possible to get more than three permits for play days in the spring
i. Fishers will only grant 3 special event permits for events where one of our teams is not on the field
ii. Sports is working with Fishers to look at possible exceptions and expect to have something better next year
X. Upcoming Meeting topics
a. Coaches returning – Heather will email coaches from last year
b. Possible Select team for spring ’19 (u14, u12?) – boys LAX has done this for a while; to challenge more experienced players but still allow for the needs of newer players and continue to grow the sport
c. Stick skills sessions
XI. Next Meeting – Thursday, September 6, 7:30pm, SPORTs board office