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Sep, 2018

Girls LAX Board Meeting - 7:30pm, SPORTS Conference Room

HSE Fishers Girls Lacrosse Board Meeting

Sept 6, 2018     

7:30pm – SPORTS Conference Room


I.                    Attendance –

a.       Heather Johnson – present

b.       Rachel Askins – present

c.       Brad Thomson - present

d.       Jennifer McGuire – present

e.       Brad Nawa – not present

f.        Tammy Follis – present

g.       Patrycja Thomas - present

h.       Marsha Lee - present

i.         Lora Lyons – not present

j.         Tim Burkholder – present

k.       Andrea Bordenkecher – present


II.                  Review/approval of last meeting’s minutes

a.       Minutes approved


III.                 Budget Update - Brad Thomson

a.       $350/$360 (if over 50 participants) for first/second grade insurance; split with boys lacrosse

b.       Possibly buying additional goggles for first/second grade sessions. Have purchased goggles from Play It Again and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Also have some on loan from St. Simon

c.       Heather has some reimbursements from Try it Day which were given to Brad

d.       Approximately $30,000 currently


IV.                Try It Day Recap

a.       Thank you for everyone who helped out!

b.       50 girls registered (49 boys)

c.       All participants have been emailed about first/second grade sessions

d.       Have distribution list from the email addresses collected

e.       Good representation from both HSE and Fishers coaches and players

f.        Feedback

                                                               i.      Good

1.       Comments that it was well organized

2.       Liked the stations

                                                             ii.      Work on for next year

1.       Have separate table for raffles

2.       End at same time as the boys since families had both playing in some cases


V.                  1st / 2nd grade League (u8) Update

a.       We have 25 girls currently registered (28 boys) = 53 total

b.       Brad Nawa is lead for Sunday night

c.       Several high school players will be there

d.       Equipment

                                                               i.      Looked to see if we can get more sets of soft sticks; still working to determine equipment

                                                             ii.      Using pink lacrosse balls which are softer

                                                           iii.      Use pop up goals

e.       Insurance purchased (covers both organizations)

f.        Leaving open so we can have walk-ups if necessary

g.       Planning on format of:

                                                               i.      10 minutes gear up/passing

                                                             ii.      4 - 10 minute skills stations

                                                           iii.      10 minute game

h.       Will use stations and will break up by gender – cradling, ground ball, equipment, passing, etc.

i.         Lora and I out of town this Sunday for first session

j.         Way to communicate with parents for weather – Heather set up a Remind account

k.       HS and Older players helping

l.         Going to use loaner goggles/sticks from Try it Day so kids don’t have to buy equipment if they don’t need to

m.     Boys are planning to give each participant a lacrosse stick since they found them on clearance

n.       We could give sticker, tshirt, and ball potentially


VI.                IYLA Coaches/League Meeting

a.       Sunday, September 23 at 4 pm

b.       Location yet to be announced

c.       The agenda will probably include reviewing the new rules

d.       Heather will email the coaches to see if they have questions that need to be answered and will ask them at the meeting

e.       Heather will ask if the scheduling meeting can move to February (rather than January) since registration closed in January


VII.              Discussion for Oct board meeting

a.       U14/ U12 structuring of teams

                                                               i.      Email from Carolyn Carter

                                                             ii.      Reaching out to Leslie Sherman for Zionsville/US Lacrosse, IYLA and US LAX for input

                                                           iii.      Will also reach out to a contact at US Lacrosse to get their perspective since they have assisted clubs which have grown

                                                            iv.      May have parents at this meeting who would like to share input

                                                             v.      Need to determine how to structure teams since we have a wide range of skill levels

                                                            vi.      Received feedback that we should have an A and B team

b.       U8 – Boys are planning to offer a U8 league; do we want to offer a U8 team

                                                               i.      No teams to play

                                                             ii.      Could offer more of a skills based type of league such as 2v2 without a goalie

                                                           iii.      Survey the parents of the participants in the first/second grade league and see if they would participate and coach


VIII.            Needs for upcoming year

a.       Volunteer Chair – thank you Andrea B!

b.       Social Media chair

c.       Facilities chair – attend facilities meetings; could rotate amongst the board members

d.       Fields/equipment chair

e.       Clean out storage at Cyntheanne – will partner with boys to have a clean out day; will be scheduled

f.        Sponsorships chair – sell back of coach shirts/flags out at Cyntheanne


IX.                Other topics

a.       Kick ball fundraiser for Sports on September 22 with a cost of $200 for a team but we will not field a team for that event

b.       Stick stills starting in January for 4 weeks at Finch Creek


X.                   Next Meeting – Thursday, Oct 4, 7:30pm, SPORTs board office  



Mudsock Girls Lacrosse

12690 Promise Road 
Fishers, Indiana 46038

Email: [email protected]

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